More Gluten Free / Casein Free (GF/CF) Links Added!

Thanks to a friend sending me a link to Hormel’s site, I finally got motivated to add a bunch more of my GF/CF links to my blogroll.

I hope some of these help you find more resources out there, but BE CAREFUL — manufacturers can change ingredients, manufacturing facilities, and processes at any time. Also, the web is never the final authority — CALL or WRITE the manufacturer or distributor and get the bottom line (in writing, if possible) from them.

Also, keep hounding your local grocery store to carry these products. Thanks to pressure from “the people”, Deby’s Gluten Free (soon to be renamed as “8 Free Foods”) will have a handful of products in our local King Sooper’s stores.

King Sooper’s also carries Boars Head meats, most of which are GF/CF (according to the rep I talked to a few months ago). Unfortunately, the KS near us doesn’t stock Boars Head yet, but we’re pestering away.

Also, in case I hadn’t mentioned it yet, Smuckers Jellies and Jams are supposedly all GF/CF (again, spoke to rep back in Sept 2007, so please re-confirm), as are Welsh(?) juices.

Sadly, our involvement with the GF/CF world will be largely from the outside looking in now. J and A have been rather abruptly transitioned back to their biological parents (for various reasons, not the least of which was the emotional trauma and mental/developmental damage the kids were experiencing from the bouncing between very different households). The generally accepted presumption was the kids were going to transition back to the parents at some point, and due to a series of events, that transition had to be a little more quick and final than expected.

To say we miss them dearly would be a gross understatement, and we’ll be cleaning and re-organizing the house for many weeks to come. They spent nearly 20 months with us, so they have left a very significant footprint in our home and hearts.

This saga is not over yet, as we still have court assigned custody issue to work out (among other things), and I think the training and life experience we’ve had through this will keep us active in the Autism advocacy arena. But for right now, we need to spend some time healing before we can engage again.

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2 Responses to More Gluten Free / Casein Free (GF/CF) Links Added!

  1. Elmer Meno says:

    Very interesting post thank you for sharing I have added your blog to my favorites and will check back 🙂 By the way this is a little off topic but I really like your blogs layout.


  2. figs225 says:

    Thank you for sharing this life experience. You put in a lot of effort to taking care of those on the GF/CF/SF diet. I got some tips from this.


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